Theresa Wray
During the winter break, contractors will bring the Pierce College Library into the 21st century when they install new carpet and furniture, including approximately 400 matching chairs that were last replaced when Jimmy Carter was president.
Currently, when students enter the library, they are relegated to a golden carpet and mismatched wooden and plastic chairs that haven’t been replaced since 1978.
“I’m glad they are making these changes,” says Jin Hyung Lee, an international business major who spends approximately six hours a week in the library.
“The chairs are hard and uncomfortable.”
The renovations to the 30,000 square-foot library, which was built in 1960, will begin on Dec. 26 and end on Jan. 5, 2007. The carpet and chairs will be funded with Proposition A/AA bond money.
In addition, new atrium furniture will be purchased from the school budget, according to Paul Nieman, director of facilities.
Project Engineer Jerry Roberts was unavailable for comment.
The specific cost of the project and contractor information was not made available at press time.
“We are very happy about the upgrade, especially with the new atrium furniture,” said Florence Robin, the library department chair who has worked in the library for 31 years. “Students will really enjoy sitting out there.”
The color schemes have not yet been selected. The carpet fabric, however, will be coordinated with the color of the new chairs, which will be a “bright color,” according to Robin.
The library contains more than 103,000 books and subscribes to approximately 200 magazines, journals and newspapers. It houses an extensive microfilm and microfiche collection.
The library Web site provides access to more than 400 e-books and many online, full-text periodicals and reference databases. In addition, professional librarians are readily available to assist students.
“When I had to do a research paper, the librarian at the help desk showed me how to use the online database and I was able to complete my project,” said Lee. “They are very helpful here.”
The library is centrally located on the main campus mall, which is represented by square F4 on the campus map.
The hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Friday. The library is closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Long-term plans include the construction of a new building that will combine library and learning resource functions.
More details on the new library building will be available in early spring.
“Until the new building is designed, funded and completed,” said Pierce President Robert Garber, “we will continue to work to maintain and upgrade the current library in order to meet the learning needs of all of our students.”

New furniture is part of a plan to upgrade the library for the first time since the 1970s. Library department chair Florence Robin said of the new atrium furniture, “Students will really enjoy sitting out there.” ()