Theresa Wray
The Pierce College Academic Senate approved a motion Nov. 20 to identify underage students on class rosters so that instructors may fulfill their mandatory state requirement to report cases of child abuse.
Izzy Goodman, president of the senate, reiterated the faculty’s responsibility and discussed the difficulty in reporting abuse cases for students under age 18.
“This requirement is mandated by the state,” said Goodman. “The problem is that we are having difficulty identifying our underage students.”
Beth Benne, director of the student health center and member of the senate, referred meeting attendees to the student Web site located at, which addresses sexual and domestic violence.
“We should be reporting all forms of abuse,” said Benne.
A Pierce Campus Violence Response Team is available to assist victims of sexual and domestic violence. Information on the Web site, however, primarily addresses female victims between the ages of 18 to 24.
Other senate members expressed concern regarding the lack of specific guidelines to help instructors handle abuse cases involving underage students.
“If I see a student in my class with a black eye, what should I do?” asked David Schutzer, professor of anthropology and senate treasurer. “If the student is underage, should I call the sheriff?”
Goodman agreed that instructors need more information on how to manage this process. He is currently researching training programs and reporting methods to help faculty fulfill this mandatory requirement.
“There needs to be a broader education for faculty in general,” said Goodman. “Not just from a legal standpoint, but also regarding the practical process.”
The discussion will be resumed at the next senate meeting Dec. 14.
Underage students, however, will not be identified on class rosters until the District Academic Senate approves the motion for all nine schools in the L.A. Community College District.
“This is a long process,” said Goodman. “Pierce can’t do this unilaterally. It is a district-wide activity.”