Rouana Dunbar
Muscular warriors, cutting-edge cinematography and ‘Matrix’ like combat scenes make “300” a movie that both guys and girls will love to watch.
The much anticipated “300”, which is based on the epic graphic novel by Frank Miller (Sin City), depicts the ancient Battle of Thermopylae where 300 Spartans fought bravely against a huge Persian army.
It starts off showing how the Spartans, led by fearless King Leonidas (Gerard Butler), raise there men to be strong, never to give up and never surrender, which gives viewers a sense of why Sparta was so willing to take on the massive Persian army.
The dramatic battle scenes demonstrate the vast regions that the Persian army, led by giant King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), had conquered by their unlimited resources. Soldiers mounted on elephants and rhinos, archers, magicians throwing gun-powdered fire-crackers all where used to attack.
Bare-chested Spartans courageously defended themselves for three days against the well-prepared Persians leaving viewers anticipating how the movie would end.
Surprisingly, Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey), Leonidas’ wife, played a significant role in the movie. Her character was witty, sharp and just as courageous as the Spartan men.
Better than “Sin City,” the detailed digital graphics make you feel like you’re watching 3D, helping the comic book-inspired movie come to life.
Director Zack Snyder (Dawn of the Dead) captured the emotion behind the historical battle by showing the characters as not just warriors but also human.
“I thought it was a beautiful movie, the way movies should be made. Good to look at it. It was a movie done right,” said moviegoer Amber, 23, who recently graduated from UCLA film school.
“The music score, sound effects, fight scenes, art direction were all good.”
Another moviegoer, Jordan, 22, of Chatsworth, said it was his second time seeing the movie since last Friday.
“This movie has become one of my favorite movies of all time. I would not change anything about it,” said Jordan. “One of the first times this year that a movie was worth my 10 dollars.”
Both of them said that the opening battle sequence was their favorite part of the movie and would recommend it to others.
For viewers who do not have any prior knowledge about the ancient battle, the movie kind of loses you at the beginning on why the Persian army wanted to take over Sparta and lacks detail about the history.
In the end, the movie comes together leaving you feel like you have seen a great depiction of the Miller’s novel.
From the amazing special effects, explicit fight scenes, remarkable story of inspiration to the scantily-clad Spartan men make this movie entertaining to watch.
Grade: A

(Warner Brothers Studio)