Food services: not fit

Marilyn Minton

The majority of opinions expressed by students and faculty on campus are universal in their unflattering comments about the quality of the food services available at Pierce College.

Larry Kraus, enterprise manager for the past four years, is very much aware of the food conditions on campus and is most anxious to improve and provide quality food and services for the students and faculty.

Long overdue, discussions and interviews are already underway with new food vendors to determine the most satisfying and appealing roster of food; as well as plans to modernize the existing cafeteria. Kraus has indicated that he fully expects to have this completed within one year.

When Pierce opened in 1947 students lived on campus, and food was provided as part of their living arrangements. Later on when Pierce became a community college, food then became an adjunct to the regular curriculum.

While it was important to maintain certain sanitary and food requirements, the effort made to bring in foods that were pleasing to the palate, never quite succeeded.

According to Kraus, the campus food establishments have always operated at a loss.

Props A/AA which allocated funds for improvements on campus had to be reallocated due to the high cost of building materials and construction for the various campus projects.

Food service was among those affected by the reduction of funds, resulting in a delay of the proposed improvements for food service and its facilities.

Faculty and students alike, look forward to experiencing a vastly improved quality and variety of foods being offered as well as renovation of the old facilities. This will go a long way to create a more pleasing atmosphere in between and after classes on campus.

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