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Tennis team wins 1 of 9

Christine Petrossian

The matches against Glendale Community College (GCC), March 2, were quite a disappointment for the Pierce College tennis team, having had lost eight matches out of nine with a combined score for the singles’ and doubles’, 8-1, GCC took home the win.

The only victory came from the doubles’ play of Steven Caswell and Tim Perez from Pierce defeating Norik Otuzbiryan and Darek Mardirosian from GCC, 9-7.

Lew Deleon and Hakop Tadvossian from GCC defeated Karlos Huschke-Favela and Long Dao, 8-6. Munemitsu Kado and Craig Strazzeri from GCC defeated Rodrik Gharassemian and Michael Mann, 8-2.

From the singles’ matches, Deleon from GCC defeated Huschke-Favela in two sets, 6-3, 6-1. Tadevosian from GCC defeated Steven Caswell in two sets, 6-0, 6-0. Otuzbiryan from GCC defeated Dao 6-3, 6-2. Derik Dermegendian from GCC defeated Gharassemian in three sets, 6-7, 6-2, 6-1. Strazzeri from GCC defeated Perez 6-4, 6-3. Kado from GCC defeated Marvin Banks 6-4, 6-1.

Even though this is still a loss the entire season is not lost. Being optimistic, first season head coach Rajeev Datt feels that the team has the potential to succeed.

“They’re pretty well self-motivated,” expressed Datt. “So I’m pretty lucky that way.”

In regards to winning, Datt said, “I’m looking for their games to improve down the road, not so much about next week. I care about whether or not they understand.”

Having tough road trip this week, the next home game is Thursday when Pierce is host to Allan Hancock College at 2 p.m.

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