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Celebrating ‘Don Quixote’

Freddy Hernandez

Heavy winds and cold temperatures were not enough to sway students along with members of the community from participating in Monday’s read-a-thon commemorating the 400th anniversary of Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes’ novel “Don Quixote.”

The event took place on the campus mall in front of the library and was organized by Spanish professor Fernando Oleas. It began at 8 a.m. and continued throughout the day until 5 p.m.

It consisted of volunteers taking turns at reading passages from Cervantes’ acclaimed work out loud behind a podium.

According to Oleas, who alternated between speaking in English and in Spanish, “Don Quixote” was chosen because it is considered to be the first modern novel.

The look on his face at the outcome of the read-a-thon was one of obvious pleasure.

“The mall should be used to disseminate social and cultural activities,” he said.

Ariana Lopez, 21, is a business major and one of the professor’s students. She said that partaking in the reading not only made her feel good, it made her want to find out more about the author as well.

“A lot more things like this should definitely go on at campus,” she concluded.

Furthermore, Oleas called college “a way of life” and said in Spanish that he was more interested in student participation and what they get out of their experience than in handing out grades.

“A mi me interesa mas la participaci√≥n de los estudiantes e que se incorporen positivamente a la vida acad√©mica, no se trata de no mas sacar una ‘A’ o una ‘B.'”

Oleas plans on another read-a-thon for the spring semester as part of his efforts to get more student involvement in bringing about awareness of Latin and Hispanic cultures on campus.

“[In order to do that] we need to continue and instill in students the need for literary events.”

Though Oleas has arranged similar activities like this on other college campuses, it is a first for Pierce College. It is also his first year as a professor here.

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