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Extraordinary Women

Sabrina Beaver

? The fight against cancer was furthered by Gertrude Belle Elion, who discovered drugs to fight leukemia, aid kidney transplants and help with the treatment of cancer.

? Grace Hopper created COBOL, an early computer language, that change the computers are used today.

? Harriet Tubman led herself and hundreds of other slaves to freedom via the Underground Railroad, which she pioneered.

? Famous women authors, journalists and poets including Emily Dickenson, Jane Austen, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Louisa May Alcot used the written word to change the way their readers, as well as the world, looked at life, love, slavery and politics.

? Marie Curie pioneered research in radioactivity. She was the first person to recieve two Nobel Prizes for her work.

? Radical activist Angela Davis was associated with the Black Panthers and fought for racial and gender equality. She helped iniate a bail program for indigent prisoners.

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