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‘…I just slapped the bitch’

Everybody should know that there is a time for work and a time for fun.

Yet there always seems to be the same group of people lining the walkway of the mall in the most crucial time periods.

Sometimes it can be very uncomfortable just walking past the coagulation of “students” making seemingly casual “discussions” amongst themselves. It is never known if they are going to make a crude comment or just keep the steady flow of “bitches and hoes” talk to a conversational tone and level.

On many occasions, they have “hit on” or made ridiculous comments to women walking to class. Contrary to popular belief, just because a man says, “Hey Baby!” that does not mean women, at least classy ones, are going to give him the time of day.

It might be a fantasy, but it’s never going to happen. Most of the time, it is just repulsive, degrading, uncomfortable and completely unnecessary. It’s not funny or cool.

Just the other day, a passer by overheard very abruptly, “…so I just slapped the bitch,” out of the crowd.

Clearly, there are signs posted for all to see, on every outside facing building of the mall stating, “Quiet. Classes in session.”

Doesn’t that group of crude individuals have something better to do with their time than congregate around the planter in front of the library and on the benches near the Social Science and other buildings?

Isn’t there a purpose for coming to college, like receiving an education?

We feel there is something to be done other than mingle, especially when it disturbs other students.

The security on campus should definitely start to promote a more peaceful campus.

It is one thing to sit quietly and talk with a friend, but another to be obnoxious.

Maybe not a ticket, but at least a “Sir, can you please do that somewhere else,” is in order.

The hard part is knowing where to draw the line, and the difference between a conversation and a disruption.

It is difficult to be fair because loudness is in the ear of the beholder.

There is a general line of disrespect that is obvious and clear to the normal student and faculty member.

When that line is blatantly crossed, there should be a consequence, or at the very least a comment made to that person.

Students have freedom of speech and should be able to walk and congregate freely on campus.

There is a time and a place for everything, however, and the campus mall is not the place for vulgar attempts at getting attention.

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