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Sheriff’s Blotter

Compiled by: Nima Maghame

Student gives teacher a lesson

On May 9 between 1:45 and 2:45 p.m. a student reportedly stole an instructor’s cell phone in Room 1202 of the English Building.

Classroom breakdown

An incident occurred in Room 3252 of the Business Education building where a student suffered a seizure at 10 a.m. on May 9.

The Los Angeles Fire Department was called to the scene, but the student refused treatment.

Library Thief

Between 7:05 p.m. May 13 and 8:24 a.m. May 15, four computers were reported stolen from the Library. The computers were for patron use and the moniters were left behind.

Florence Robyn, library department chair, said the inside double door’s windows were shattered leading to the stairs up to the Library, but no evidence supports that is the way the suspects entered the building.

Sheriff’s officers are investigating the situation and are releasing no other information.

Robyn has requested an increase in patrols around the Library on weekends and sheriff’s deputies have complied.

The computers were purchased through a state grant specifically for libraries to use for equipment. No estimate on the combined worth of the computers has been released.

“It’s awful that there are fewer computers for students to use,” said Robyn, who is now looking for ways to replace what has been stolen.

Classroom Brawl

Four students were reportedly engaged in a verbal and physical fight in Room 1205 of the English Building on May 15 at 3:08 p.m.

While the students were described as “non-desirous,” they were still warned and advised by a Sheriff’s deputy.

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