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Cliff Notes goes online

Deborah jackson

If term papers are a “headache,” Cliff Notes online claims to be the aspirin.

College students can now find assistance for those often-troublesome literature essays they have to write for English classes. Cliffs Notes, the famous black-and-yellow-striped booklets, are now available online with summaries of 180 titles from classic English and American literature. And they’re free.

After students read the book they can go to and click on the appropriate title to read critical essays, character analyses, study helps, commentaries and summaries of what they’ve just read.

In addition to the lit guides, there are free how-to articles, “cheat sheets,” specialized glossaries and, for nominal prices, downloads of other Cliffs Notes resources.

Cliffs Notes followed the lead of its major competitor, SparkNotes, owned by Barnes & Noble, which several years ago published free literature guides on its Web site,

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