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Party Poopers

Gary Gray

Maybe I just like to party.

Maybe I spend too much time going out when I should be studying.

I’m probably one of those crazed young adults who comes home late at night and then gives my teacher an excuse about why I don’t have my homework.

Or maybe not.

I am a Pierce student, after all.

Is Pierce College life really that boring? Uhhh, yeah.

When is the last time you got together with a Pierce student if it wasn’t for homework or dating purposes? Probably never.

The first thing I want to know is: What happened to our clubs? The booths line the main walkway of campus like memorials of fallen soldiers. Soldiers that tried to stay in the fight as long as possible but were ultimately left behind by Pierce students.

It was so uplifting to see the clubs trying to recruit new members the first week of the semester. Now I wonder if the clubs still exist.

And not long ago I found out that Pierce used to have dance parties, even homecomings. Would it hurt to bring them back? We have plenty of spots they could be held, and it wouldn’t cost that much to hire a DJ. Charge $10 for admission and $1 for refreshments, and Pierce has an event that could make the college lots of extra cash.

That money not only could help with the major construction on campus, but it could also help with gardening supplies for the lawn in Swisher Park or even buy new computers for the library.

Plus, I’m sure that Pierce is aware of all the people who accept tickets that are given out on campus to freebie movie screenings. Those same people would probably be willing to go to a movie on campus. Pierce could have a weekly “movie night” that would attract a lot of people. We could screen two to three films a night. Almost all the classrooms have DVD players and screens, so there could be a different movie in every classroom.

And what about Pierce sports? Our football team is doing well, as are many other Pierce teams. Can’t we celebrate that? We should be putting up banners in the campus mall, having pep rallies and going to away games. At least show these athletes that we know they exist. I think taking action on just one of these events would give Pierce some much-needed “school spirit.”

When I describe Pierce I usually say that it has great teachers, awesome academics and I usually stop there. I want to be able to tell my family about all the people I met at the awesome dance party that Pierce threw, or about the movies that I saw on screening night. School is supposed to be fun, right?

So come on, Pierce, do something fun for a change ó throw a party, stay out all night at the movies, be wild.

Because nobody likes to be called a party pooper.

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