Pierce is now officially high-tech.
A few weeks ago, there was a cart outside of the Learning Center full of boxes. All of the boxes had “Neovo” on the side. Come to find out, each one of those boxes contained a 15-inch AG Neovo monitor.
For those of you who aren’t computer savvy, Neovo is a company that distributes top-of-the-line monitors. Their monitors are super thin and usually flat screen. They also cost upwards of $400 each.
Now almost every computer in the first room of the Learning Center has been equipped with these sleek pieces of machinery. It’s not that the previous monitors were faulty, but they were a little outdated. The new Neovo monitors have much better picture quality.
This is a great sign that Pierce cares not only about student needs, but about student wants as well.
Who knows? Maybe new computers are on the way.
Thanks for keeping us out of the Stone Age, Pierce — we appreciate it.