Creative Voices brings Ellison to campus

Noted writer-editor Harlan Ellison will be the inaugural speaker for “Creative Voices,” a series hosted by the Student Success Committee, consisting of a daytime event and a separate evening event May 22 at Pierce.

“We have planned [Creative Voices] as a series to inspire students,” said Christine Valada who has helped English Department Chair Donna Accardo with the series. “Student success is our goal and we are looking for a way to help attract student interest in education outside the classroom.”

As a prominent figure in the science-fiction community, Ellison is credited with writing for Star Trek and The Outer Limits.

He was also a creative consultant for the TV series’ The Twilight Zone and Babylon 5, has received several awards for his work as an editor and is the subject of a forthcoming documentary Dreams with Sharp Teeth.

Ellison will be speaking and answering questions in the Campus Center from 3-5 p.m. and doors open for the “Evening with Harlan Ellison” at 7:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts building on the mainstage.

A book signing will follow and books will be available for purchase. Both events are free to the Pierce College community and the public.

Planning for the next “Creative Voices” event is underway with screenwriter/producers Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio set to appear in the fall.

The two are credited with writing the Pirates of the Caribbean, Aladdin, The Legend of Zorro and Shrek.

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