Natalie Yemenidjian
The San Fernando Valley Master Chorale is promising a subjectively patriotic performance at the Performing Arts Building June 9 with the force of more than 100 voices and a guest accompanying orchestra.
Also known as the Pierce College Philharmonic Choir, the Master Chorale is a class of students ages ranging from 17 to 80.
With Memorial Day weekend being a couple weeks before the performance, Terry Danne, director of the class, decided to put together a compilation of famous patriotic and political songs from the 1920s to now.
They will be performing a series of patriotic chorales, ending in Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” from the 9th Symphony.
“I think it’s quite interesting that people draw different conclusions from it. If you’re against war that’s what you’ll feel. People who are supportive of war and the current administration will feel more patriotic,” said Danne, referring to the subjective theme of the concert.
“I don’t think I’ve ever done a program that evokes such a universal response,” said Danne.
The first half of the program is dedicated to pianist Mark Richman who will perform a piano concerto called “Chorale Fantasy.”
The second half is started with Dwight Elrich who just completed an album “America the Beautiful.”
Folk songs from the sixties, boogie-woogies from the forties, songs from: Les Miserable, Joseph and the Technicolor Coat, The Sound of Music, and more are all a part of the program.
Darroch “Rocky” Young, Chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District, who has never conducted a chorale before, will be guest conductor.
“‘Rocky’ Young will be leading the audience in ‘Let There Be Peace on Earth,'” said Danne.
“I’m excited about it,” said Young during the chorale’s practice Monday night.
“I just hope to get through it and not make a fool of myself.”
Young said he did know of the piece, but only knows the main chorus.
However, since this is his first time conducting Danne went over a few tips with Young.
“Don’t worry about it just hit the beats,” said Danne.
With a smile from ear to ear, Young stepped in front of the class and began to sway his hands up and down and his body from side to side, motioning the chorus to begin.
When he finished one student yelled out, “Finally it was fast enough.”
Another asked him if he ever had so much power before, Young responded, “No.”
“I just wish the district would respond to me like this,” he said.
After his second run-through the students and Danne applauded and praised Young.
“Do you have a great deal of aptitude or am I a great teacher?” said Danne.
Young responded, “Well my wife tells me I only have one note and asks me not to sing.”
“But when I’m lip singing with you, I feel like I’m actually singing,” he said.
“We don’t sing because we want to, we sing because we have to,” said Blanca Adajian, media arts teacher and alto with the Philharmonic Choir for two years.
The orchestra is a compilation of musicians from the musicians union. It costs around $14,000 to hire them, therefore they have fundraisers throughout the year.
Danne and the Master Chorale were invited to play at Carnegie Hall with other singers and an orchestra in 2005.
They do community service as well.
“We’ve performed for senior citizens. We’re just out and about into the community,” said Adajian.
They also performed the “Vaughan Williams Dona Nobis Pacem” at the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre in 2003.
The price of tickets is $12 for students with identification, $25 for adults, $12 for children under 12 and $15 for senior citizens 62 and over.
Young jokes with the Chorale members about their responsiveness to him and, at right, takes a few pointers from director Terry Danne. Young will guest conduct during June 9 concert in the PAB. ()
Young jokes with the Chorale members about their responsiveness to him and, at right, takes a few pointers from director Terry Danne. Young will guest conduct during June 9 concert in the PAB. ()