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****$$English Department gets a new pen

Antonio Hernandez

Yvonne Cooper,30, begins her first semester as a full-time English instructor at Pierce College this fall. Cooper is no stranger to being a student; she attended Cornell University in New York, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in comparative literature. Thereafter she attended New York University where she earned her Master of Arts degree in Film. Before coming to Pierce she also taught at a variety of community colleges, including Santa Monica Community College and San Diego City Community College.

“I love the English department here; it’s highly motivated, friendly and supportive. The department’s end goal is not only the education of students but also to create great professors,” Cooper said, speaking on why she chose to come to Pierce College. “And plus, have you seen the parking here?”

If there’s one thing you notice about Cooper, it’s her sense of humor and enthusiasm.

“Honestly, I think we are lucky to have her. She’s bright, enthusiastic and has a natural gift for explaining things,” said Kathie Yoder, a full-time math instructor at Pierce and Cooper’s mentor. The two are paired through the mentor program, which places teachers from separate departments together for one year.

Cooper is not without her hobbies. Before coming to teach at Pierce she worked at Miramax Films for two years, where she read and developed scripts. She currently has an agent for her independent script work. Cooper was also a first division swimmer when attending Cornell University and continues to swim seven days a week.

“I love teaching. It’s a great opportunity to switch the mindset of students who come in with a negative outlook on English and turn them around,” Cooper said. She currently teaches English 21, English 211 and English 27.

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