Cafeteria: unsure of it all

Harold Goldstein

As well as the campus grounds, the cafeteria has gone through its own overhaul. But does it work?

First of all, the main change is this: MORE SPACE.

The minute you go inside, you can notice that there is an actual floor with bright green and white tiles.

The hot meals table has been reduced dramatically to only four plates facing the entrance.

Also, the food has been organized quite well; the drinks have gotten their own walls, the breakfast table has a home within an open closet and the distracting salad is pushed against another wall close to the cash register where you fall into the seating area.

But one of the new attractions of the reformed cafeteria is the Deli counter propped up against the wall where the hotdogs and pizza used to be.

Though a bit surprising, Pierce has decided to go the way of the Subway, wanting students to order handmade sandwiches created right in front of you or a custom-made sandwich all by the student’s request.

The price range is a bit disappointing, with a sandwich costing $5 while a combo with sandwich, chips and a drink going to an expensive $6.75.

The help is kind and always willing to ask for your order (as always) but you would have to make your order crystal clear.

The sandwich itself is good to say the least.

The bread is tasty as well are the accessories, onions, pickles and such.

The main part of the sandwich (being the meat) is somewhat lacking.

For example, if you asked for the Chicken Parmesan Sandwich, just looking at it might give you the feeling that you accidentally ordered the Chicken Salad.

The atmosphere hasn’t changed much with the radio station spitting out old tunes that are popular.

But one change in the seating area has made itself known: karaoke.

It shows itself every Wednesday and Thursday morning and gives people a good form on entertainment but there might be sometimes when you just want to eat your food in plain silence rather then listening to students trying to make themselves known by showing off their vocals.

A change is blowing in Pierce and the cafeteria has had its share of changes.

Some will give the new sandwich a try but people might be wondering if the deli idea will work long enough for it to a be a staple on campus.

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