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Letter from the President

Robert Garber

Welcome to the Fall 2007 semester at Pierce College.

Pierce is experiencing unprecedented growth, not only in our class offerings, but in our campus facilities as well.

During the semester, we’ll be watching the new Center for the Sciences and Student Services buildings take shape after years of planning.

We’re also welcoming more than a dozen new faculty members joining our campus and sharing their wealth of experiences with our students.

As we begin the academic year, we have the largest student enrollment in more than two decades!

I encourage you to become an active part of our campus culture by cheering for Pierce at a football or soccer or volleyball game, attending a play or music performance, and visiting the Harvest Festival or a special lecture.

However you choose, take advantage of the excitement and engage with Pierce to get the most out of your education.

Also consider getting involved in student government to help set the direction for Pierce with your Associated Students Organization.

This semester is full of promise and we’re excited to offer Pierce College students a chance to build their future with our outstanding instructional programs, student services and college activities.

It is my pleasure to welcome you as a key member of the Pierce community and I hope you will join me in a positive and successful academic year.


Robert Garber


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