When press rights are challenged

The Pierce College Roundup investigates various subjects and situations and occasionally runs into people ignorant of press rights.

This ignorance, professed or not, shouldn’t be used in an effort to conceal or protect special interests.

Recently, there were two incidents that challenged our freedom of the press.

One incident involved photographing “Spice Girl” Victoria Beckham while she was on Pierce property watching her son’s soccer tryout.

The other involved the right to photograph campus construction in progress. In both cases, these rights were denied.

The Roundup continued pressuring the administration, citing First Amendment rights as well as the public’s right to know.

Freedom of the press is guaranteed by the by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

It states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”

In the Beckham case, photographers from the outside media were ushered off Pierce property by the Sheriff’s Department.

As students, we were also denied access. This was a blatant case of catering to a celebrity by bending the rules.

Pierce is funded by taxpayers’ money and therefore is public property. The situation was resolved several days later, however the photo opportunity had been missed.

The newspaper was permitted entry after it was pointed out that our First Amendment rights were being trampled.

The construction access was another case of ignorance of our press rights.

The situation was later resolved once again later, and the Roundup photographer was able to take the photographs.

This newspaper is a First Amendment publication that makes every effort to report the truth in an objective and unbiased manner.

There are times when The Roundup will be at odds with the administration when press rights are involved.

As journalists, it is our duty to make sure that press rights are never ignored, misused or abused by those in positions of power.

This newspaper must ensure its First Amendment rights aren’t eroded by complacency or apathy.

The Roundup will continue to diligently protect our Constitutional rights.

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