Homecoming at Pierce College is a time to celebrate alumni and welcome a new generation of students and faculty. When it will occur, however, remains to be seen.There are two potential dates for the Brahmas home game – Saturday, Oct. 27 against Moorpark College, or Saturday, Nov. 10 against Pierce rivals LA Valley College.”We have an especially good chance of winning if the game is going to be against Valley College,” said Efrain Martinez, Pierce football head coach.”There was a nice-sized crowd for our first game. If the team is successful before the homecoming game, the crowd could get big,” said Martinez. The football team has started the season out strong, winning two out of three games played. Star players of the Brahmas this season include Rodney Fritz, Jeremiah Brown, Christian Sandoval and Stephen Johnson. The game has not yet been completely organized, and the athletic department is still debating if homecoming will be the last, or second to last, home game. Halftime and activities before and after the game have yet to be coordinated. The Associated Students Organization says their involvement is minimal as far as the game and all activities are concerned. At previous homecoming games, there have been barbeques before or after the game. The cost to attend has not yet been established. Pierce does not promote the homecoming game very far in advance, so students may not be aware when the game is even happening. There is not much student involvement.”I am excited to see what a college homecoming game is like compared to a high school homecoming,” said Sheldon Cohen, first-year student at Pierce. “My high school would really have the school excited for the game about a month before it happened and most of the students would attend. It was a big deal,” said Cohen, a sociology major.The overall turnout for the game is up in the air. It is up to the students to attend and make the game worthwhile. If the Brahmas continue to win before homecoming, the game could draw a crowd of substantial size.”Everybody come out and support our team,” said Martinez.