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Professor Brings Biology to Life

Christopher Haliskoe, Online Managing Editor

Professor Brings Biology to Life

Professor Teresa “Tesi” Low returns to Pierce this semester, after a four-year absence, to teach microbiology “We are absolutely delighted to have Professor Low in our microbiology department,” says Professor Bernardine Pregerson. “She brings a youthful voice and enthusiasm to the field.” Low, who graduated from UCLA in 2001, started her teaching career at Pierce as a part-time biology teacher, teaching from 2002 to 2003. Having graduated UCLA with a degree in both biology and immunology, she left Pierce in 2003 to become a nursing instructor. Low said the most difficult thing about teaching is keeping up with her students. “It’s difficult to relate with students these days,” she said, “but I do it by relating the material I teach to everyday life, including current events.” Besides teaching, Low also contributes to local youth groups, mainly through churches.

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