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A new grading system causes controversy

The department chair of philosophy introduced a new grading proposal last week during a faculty meeting that will that would implement plus (+) or minus (-) grades on transcripts, leaves questions marks amongst faculty and administrators.

Nick Habib, Ph.D., Pierce College philosophy professor and part-time CSUN professor introduced a plan that was adopted by CSUN in the mid 80s called the plus and minus system, in hopes to refine the student’s performance by placing the student on a precise scale. This proposal caused controversy amongst faculty and administrators

Habib who has taut at Pierce College for 31 years, believes that the solid grade system is “cosmetically misleading,” meaning on a plus/minus scale it is easy to determine accurately where to place the student.

“It’s as simple as that,” said Habib. “If there is a problem we will switch over to categorical grading.”

According to Habib the system not only rewards performance and drives the student to compete, but assist the professors in producing better gradations.

How will this affect Pierce students? It depends, first for students who are accustom to earning a solid A, B, C or D letter grades it may be a thing of the past. Second if the plan is put into practice it is not determined if there will be a uniform structure, meaning it will be up to individual instructor on how to implement the percent of plus/minus. Third if one professor use the new system and the other professor use solid grading, it can effect the students grade point average (GPA) and forth universities will be able to view where the student placed on the grading scale.

The plus/minus grading plan that is in proposal has provoked lost of heated discussion. As a cloud of uncertainty on how or if the system would be used has faculty and administrators unable to see eye to eye.

Shelley Gerstl, Dean of Admission and Records, said if the system if implemented the C- grade would be eliminated, because it is not acceptable for transfer requirements. According to Gerstl the plus/minus system could increase the request for grade change, generating more work and may affect the software system that is used by the college.

She also sees positive aspect that it could “possibly bring to light different grading practices between instructors, becoming clear when they are being leant or holding high standard.” “It also could be used as a motivational factor to determine how good or how bad a student did,” said Gerstl.

Sharon Levick, a Pierce College economic professor, believes that “some people would be afraid that their GPA’s might go down.” She also feels that there is no uniform grading system now and that the plus/minus would also be non-uniform system.

Lara kalaidyian, vice-president of Associated Student Organization (ASO), said “universities are getting more competitive.”She feels that the plus/minus system is a fair way for students to have an equal opportunity to be accepted. Kalaidyian feels that it is an incentive to reach for higher grade, but if a student receives a B- it would be similar to a C+.

This is for sure not the final copy, Thanks

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