Love Bites

Karina Gonzalez

Feast of love Bianca Lopez1-1-1-1

In a world of possibilities where anything in a relationship could happen does happen to Bradley Tomas (Greg Kinnear). Tomas goes from one bad relationship to another. Well played but not without the help of his friend Harry Stevenson (Morgan Freeman) who has a life of his own to attend to. Bradley is the guy who feels that he is the revolving door for women. Harry Stevenson a college professor on a leave of absence helps out any person who asks for his help. Harry and his wife Ester (Jane Alexander) are the older couple who have seen it all, the good and the bad. Chloe (Alexa Davales) and Oscar (To y Hemingway) are the new lovers who are head over heels in love and are willing to do anything to stay together. The other two relationships in this picture are the off shoots of Bradley’s own gone wrong; his wife Kathryn (Selma Blair) and the real-estate worker Diana (Radha Michell). “Feast of Love” is a story about what could happen when five different relations collide in one way or another. Each partner ship portrayed is a different stage in relation ships. From new lovers to an older couple with years under their belt. As for a story line it has one and it was clear from the start. With little bumps in the road it gets though the whole movie. The actors for the movie where well chosen to play their parts. The only problem would be that Chloe would cry for no apparent reason, even when she would be talking to Oscar her eyes would start to cry for no reason, but the rest of her acting skills were up to par. When it comes to the rating on this film it comes close to its rating “R”. Not exactly the best movie to sit and watch with the family or grandparents. The story line keeps the viewer interested in what is going to happen next but is not too complicated to understand. Even though there were quite a few racy scenes in the film it was not to the point of disgust. It was not put in just because they could but rather in places the viewers mind set that this could actually happen to a person on the streets and that it may very well indeed be happening. It’s a story about how far will a person go to find the one that they feel will make them happy for the rest of their lives, and what they are willing to do to keep them. All in all it has an intriguing story line along with the characters to back up the script, and not make it stagnant like most ‘chick flicks’. A ‘chick flick’ it may be but in can be enjoyed by anyone, including guys, that likes to follow a story.


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