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Fall dance concert auditions Sunday

Marion Kimble

The annual Fall Dance Concert is around the corner and the auditions for dancers will begin Sunday, Oct. 21 in the Dance Studio, North Gym room 5601. Every year, dance instructor Marian Weiser holds the Fall Dance Concert, which is comprised of various dances from around the world. Student choreographers, as well as guest dancers, showcase dances from a diverse selection of countries, and dancers of all skill levels are encouraged to participate.

The auditions for this year begin Sunday. They last from 9 a.m. to about 2p.m. During this time, each choreographer will take 30 minutes to present their dance and allow students to audition for different parts.

“The event is a lot of fun,” said Kabrina Feickert, Weiser’s production assistant of two years, and costume designer. “We can always use more dancers and encourage all students to audition and participate.”

Currently, Feickert expects there to be 15 to 20 dances, with six to 30 dancers needed for each dance. For students who may be camera-shy, there are also plenty of positions open for the production staff.

If students are chosen to dance or participate in production of the show, they can receive up to four units. Rehearsals for the Fall Dance Concert will begin Sunday after the auditions. Rehearsal for each dance is expected to last about an hour, and each dancer will probably be chosen for two to three dances.

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