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Relax, take the Metro Orange Line

Antonio Hernandez

In my one year at Pierce, I have never braved the college parking lot. I have never hunted for parking spaces, leaping upon them like a hungry lion. Never have I cursed to the high heavens as someone snags the space that I had been waiting on for 30 minutes.

I take the bus.

Passing the streets with ease on the Orange Line, I wonder why students subject themselves to outrageous parking pass prices, stressful traffic and being continuously late to class because the guy in front of you is driving like a grandma on her way to Sunday brunch.

I cannot fathom the pain that you drivers go through, and I tip my hat to your bravery.

But why do we do it? The Los Angeles County transportation system is something overlooked.

Everyone in L.A. has a car and drives it very, very slowly.

Though it is true that the L.A. Metro system has its problems, it is a godsend to students who live far from the college they attend.

The Orange Line is a Metro bus route that runs straight through from the North Hollywood subway station to the Warner Center in Woodland Hills. This path is a clear shot through the Valley that follows an old railroad right-of-way, with few street lights to stop it.

It even stops almost directly in front of Pierce, on the northwest corner of Victory Boulevard and Winnetka Avenue.

I live in Sherman Oaks, and taking the 101 North to Pierce would be a nightmare. I can barely stand driving the congested highways to get to work during peak morning hours.

Instead, I cruise parallel to the congested freeway, turning up my music to drown out the bus engine as it chugs along toward its destination.

It’s relaxing and almost therapeutic, instead of the run and gun atmosphere when trying to find a parking space.

Students do take the Orange Line and many of the bus routes provided, but not nearly enough.

Every day when I walk from the bus stop to school, I witness shouting and screaming from windows.

I peer into cars only to see heads banging against steering wheels, or eyes focused intently on the clock – students praying that they make it to their classes in time.

I understand that not everyone can take the bus to school, but if we have the chance (and many of us do), why don’t we take it?

If public transportation is there for us, why is it that we allow ourselves to be charged money just to park at school.

A fare of $1.25 to ride the bus saves you the stress of finding a parking space and worrying about your car as it sits in the parking lot, easy prey for thieves.

No, I am not being paid by the city of Los Angeles to write this. Certainly, there are problems with the bus routes.

Buses sometimes break down and can be late to pick you up when you are rushing to class.

In my eyes, though, these things are insignificant when compared to the maze that is Pierce parking.

So, why don’t we do ourselves a favor?

Put down the car keys. Take that $20 you were going to use for gas and put it towards that new iPod.

Enjoy the ride.

Antonio Hernandez ()

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