50 consecutive home wins

Marion Kimble

Like a mother crocodile guarding its eggs, the Pierce College women’s volleyball team has protected its territory with the ferocity of a raging Brahma for five years and counting.

Since 2002 Pierce has won every volleyball game at home and as of its Nov. 2 game vs. College of the Canyons, the women’s volleyball team has mustered 50 consecutive wins on its home court, a record amount for the Brahmas.

Ashley Lugo-Brown, team captain and 2006 Western State Conference Athlete of the Year, attributes much of the success to Coach Nabil Mardini and his methods.

“Playing for Pierce is not an easy job. A lot of people have quit,” said Lugo-Brown.

The team’s training has been demanding according to Lugo-Brown, but she has no sympathy for the girls who couldn’t take the pressure.

“Nabil treats us like a D1 team. I think that’s what sets us apart from the other teams,” she said.

Named WSC Coach of the Year in 2001, 2004 and 2006, Nabil Mardini, the team’s coach since Fall 1999, has lead the team to seven conference titles, including this year’s title which was guaranteed after the team beat Bakersfield Nov. 7, since 2001.

“I expect the girls to respect the game and give 100 percent,” said Mardini. “They have to deserve to win. They have to work for it.”

When Valerie Pryor, 29, team captain in 2003 when the home streak began, was informed of the team’s accomplishment, she responded “very impressive.”

“They’re doing an awesome job. I’m very proud,” said Pryor. “I wish I could still play.”

Pryor currently coaches a volleyball team at Los Angeles Baptist High School, where she still uses the skills she learned playing for Pierce to teach her students.

“I certainly improved while playing at Pierce,” she said. “I had the base skill, but Nabil taught me about volleyball and how the game is played at Pierce.”

Though Pierce’s winning streak may impress some, Mardini says home games are only half the battle.

“We do a good job. It’s not where you are, it’s who you are,” said Mardini. “If you want to be a great team, you have to know how to win at home and on the road.”

Like Mardini, the team didn’t let the accomplishment go to their heads.

“It didn’t hit till I saw someone holding a sign,” said Lugo-Brown. “The win is important, because we haven’t lost at home in a long time, but we have more important things to worry about.”

The team has its eyes set on the upcoming regional tournament.

“I really want to make it to playoffs and hopefully to state,” added Lugo-Brown.

Assistant Coach Brad Lyans believes in the team.

“We have a lot of playing ability,” said Lyans. “It’s a very physical team.”

But are they ready for the next level? The team has made it to state three times, but hasn’t brought back the gold. Lugo-Brown believes the team has the potential to do it this year, but doesn’t know if they are ready yet.

“It depends on us showing up and playing well,” she said.

Mardini already has plans to get the team into shape.

“We still have three weeks,” he said. “We’re playing fewer games now, so we have more time to practice.”

No matter what the outcome, the team is going to give its all.

“We play with a lot of heart,” said Lugo-Brown.

The women’s volleyball team played their last game of the season yesterday at home against Citrus College.

Results were not available at press time. Pierce will begin regional play Tuesday.

(Gustavo Gil)

(Gustavo Gil)

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