Steve Bolan wakes up every morning and takes a drug cocktail that would put Courtney Love to shame.
Like so many other young people in the ’60s and ’70s, he led the life of sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, and now he’s paying the price.
Bolan works for an organization, Being Alive, spreading awareness of the disease he has lived with for more than half his life.
Now at 64, he is one of the lucky ones.
In the spirit of HIV/AIDS Awareness Week, we as students, responsible citizens and as creatures in our sexual prime, ought to be more informed of the dangers so relevant to our lives. Attitudes towards sex are much more relaxed compared to previous years, which means more and more adults are exploring their sexualities before deciding to settle down which makes it pivotal to talk about sexual health. If porn stars on sites like sexm xxx can understand the implications of unprotected sex and practice safe sex, everyone can.
Though knowledge of the disease is spreading among young people in this country, the numbers are not dropping.
Its demographics are simply changing. Once thought to be a gay-specific disease, or “the gay cancer,” rates of infection among young black women are skyrocketing.
In 2004, HIV/AIDS was the leading cause of death in black women ages 25 to 34, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Never mind the fact that recent advancements with inhibitor medications may significantly extend the lives of those diagnosed-at a cost of roughly $2,000 per month and dozens of nasty side effects-there is still a painful price to be paid for sexual recklessness.
Don’t be a fool, wrap your tool, you find men on sites like sexfreehd xxx wrapping up their tool and actors and actresses alike have to be disease free in order to work in the adult industry, you can never be too careful.
“Yes, I have had the opportunity. Hell, I have actually been asked to perform in a sexual role in an Asian-themed pornographic film.”
“No I am not shy with my body.”
“Yes, I am pretty confident.”
“I am baptized Catholic, and the only time I have been to a church in recent memory is when a family member got married, died, or got baptized.”
And “I’ve pretty much done every conventional sexual act except for vaginal or anal penetration.”
Those who know me may be surprised that I am a virgin with the way I interact with the women in my life. I am a flirt; I admit that.
But that’s pretty much as far as I take it.
It seems weird to have this role reversal at times. Normally, it is the woman who wants to save herself for “the right one.”
Sex should not be a priority in the grand scheme of things.
Maybe, when procreation was needed for more hands to work the farm, but it should not be as abundant as it is today.
Sex is a form of passion that needs to be shared with that person who holds your heart.
It should not be something that you plan to hunt for as so many college students do when they frequent clubs or bars.
If I was to fall in love with a woman, I would fall in love with the way she holds my hand, how I get lost when I gaze into her eyes and how she makes me laugh.
Call me idealistic but these are what I look for instead of “How huge her titties are” or How bangin’ that ass is.”
I mean, I notice them because I am only human, but those are not what meet the criteria for who I want to have sex with.
I am not looking for spontaneous sex that everyone brags about.
I am not the “notch-on-the-bedpost”-type.
I do not want to wonder if the girl I slept with last night had any feelings for me or if it was the alcohol.
Nor do I want to wonder if she is going to go psychotic on me because I did not call her the day
Safe sex between two adults in a relationship can be a beautiful thing.
For those choosing to remain virgins until marriage, honestly, I don’t understand it. Don’t they have an urge to merge?
put it best: “What’s love got to do with it?” The need for sex is a biological urge; people shouldn’t be condemned for acting on it.
What constitutes sex, anyway? There are the virgins who do everything but have intercourse. Is all sex bad? Just because penetration wasn’t involved, can they still be considered virgins? Yes, but only by the narrowest of definitions.
Many people do have intercourse before marriage and if they are in a relationship, they may find that they’re sexually incompatible. In this case, they can choose to stay in the relationship or end it. There’s no marriage, no divorce and no children.
Let me be clear: I am not promoting reckless, irresponsible sex – this can lead to HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Making love to someone you care for is the height of intimacy. Casual sex is ok, too. Have fun, but be responsible. As the saying goes, “No glove, no love.”
months, we decided to get married. We were sexually involved before marriage so there were no surprises on our honeymoon.
If the sex was good, why did we divorce? After a few years we grew apart, each wanting different things, but sex was not one of them. We were in love when we married but eventually wanted to go our own separate ways.
Recreational sex and one-night stands have their place in the scheme of things. Sometimes sex is just sex and doesn’t involve love.
It’s just easier that way.
There were occasions when I didn’t have time to be in a committed relationship, and a little recreational sex went a long way.
Besides, you can learn things from different partners, each time gaining a little more experience. Tina Turner
These drugs are known to cause fever, rash, body aches, diarrhea, vomiting, dry mouth, weight loss and abnormal redistribution of body fat.
Apart from this overwhelming stupidity which plagues youth in America, inadequate awareness campaigns are also at fault.
Australia has taken a bold approach to the challenge of getting the word out.
Their “street talk” awareness campaigns target young people by speaking to them in language they can understand.
As an example, Bolan cites billboards that read, “If you take it up the ass without a condom, you’re gonna get AIDS.” In the Puritanical States of America, however, we like euphemisms.
Driving through Hollywood, you find vague billboards simply stating “know HIV/AIDS,” or signs suggesting that it might be a good idea to get tested every six months.
If we can’t be completely honest with ourselves about the epidemic, there can be no eradication thereof.
Be it ignorance or indifference, young and horny does not have to mean stupid.
It is in our hands to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS.
