Portia McGroarty
The American Red Cross and the Pierce College Associated Students Organization partnered up to give students and volunteers the opportunity to save the lives of many Californians.
The Pierce blood drive took place on Nov. 20 and 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and gave participants a chance to win a $500 cash prize. ASO President Tessa Moss said, “It is important that students participate in donating blood because it helps to the show the community how much we care.”
The blood goes to the Red Cross, where it is then separated and sent to California hospitals that have the most immediate blood supply shortages. Despite a room full of equipment, more than enough staff and a cash prize incentive, few participants showed up on the second day of the blood drive, making the Campus Center a virtual ghost town.
“Today has been pretty slow, but yesterday we had about 24 participants donate,” said Registered Nurse Jessica Farrell.
Pierce has partnered with the American Red Cross for many years to take blood donations, and the need for a new blood supply is never a wanton endeavor.
One Red Cross telephone operator, who declined to give her name, said, “One donation can save up to three lives.”
When large amounts of blood are needed in California, hospitals are forced often to look to out-of-state imports for this life saving and sustaining fluid. Due to an ever-present blood shortage, it is important that California students and volunteers continue to donate blood.
“I’m donating because my teacher offered extra credit in one of my classes,” said second-year student Gabriela Leonardo, 21, “but after reading the pamphlet put out by the Red Cross, I feel really good about other people getting my blood.”
The Los Angeles Community College District strongly supports the Red Cross by encouraging all LACCD campuses to participate in blood drives each semester.
“It’s good to show that Pierce is involved, just like all the other LACCD schools and California universities have some type of involvement with their community, we’re just trying to bring that to our students,” said Moss.
More information can be obtained at www.socalredcross.org, or the Red Cross appointment line at (800) 448-3543.
The Red Cross has operators standing by 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. to make general blood donation appointments in various locations across Southern California.

Keryn Rataizer, 24, donates blood at the Campus Center of Pierce College during the Sept. 26 blood drive. “I always donate whenever I can,” said Rataizer. ()