Don’t let stress destroy your life

Marion Kimble

What happened to the simple days?

The days when you could sit up until 3 a.m. playing Final Fantasy VIII without worrying about that 20-page paper that is due five hours later.

Life has become far too stressful. Every year or so, another new gadget comes along that revolutionizes the way we do everything.

While they allow us to do twice the work in half the time, all it really means is that we have to master the delicate skill of navigating the road while managing your calender, sucking down your latte, shuffling through your iPod and chatting with your lab partner over the phone to make sure you got the right assignment in class.

Technology seems to double the workload taken on by the next generation of chemists, graphic designers, even janitors.

Building these skills comes at the cost of our health and happiness.

The evidence lies in the constant flow of new energy drinks, coffee flavors, and even energy supplements (for when the drinks let you down) that pop up month after month.

Let’s do ourselves a favor and take things a little more in stride.

Sure, you may get an A- on your next oh-so-overrated quiz, but the extra chance to spend some time with your friends will make it all worthwhile.

So take my advice and get some air. Take a nap in a library.

Go to a candy store and waste all your cash on so many taffies and liquorice you miss your 8 a.m. class the next morning.

Play with your overpriced Playstation 3. Visit your grandparents.

Chances are you only have about 50 more years before you become a useless encumbrance on your poor kids and find yourself looking back at all the crap you’ve missed with tears in your eyes and excrement in your Depends.

So live your life to the fullest. C’est la vie! Any other lame-o cliché you can think of.

Just get out there and stop being a slave to the thousands of things that stress you out. You have forever to be unhappy and unhealthy.

Chances are you’re going to die of cancer at 35 anyway; and boy I promise you, you’re going to be pissed then.

If you haven’t picked up on what I’m saying yet, here it is, plain and simple.

Life is way too short to spend all of your time in a dark room away from the people who make you who you are.

Unless you’re a hunchback or something, then by all means, you probably need to be a super-genius just to get people to stop staring at that hump.

In the end, let’s just face it; if you have to spend 23 hours a day working just to get a decent grade, you’re eventually going to snap.

Marion Kimble ()

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