Ava Weintraub
You’ve probably heard it before, “Voting is a privilege, not a right.”
Yet many won’t take the time out of their busy schedules to vote.
If you are 18 years or older, it’s time to wake up; you need to vote.
In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson introduced the idea of a Voting Rights Act to Congress, which would outlaw literacy tests and poll taxes as a way of determining if a person was fit to vote.
This law was passed so that Southern states could no longer prevent Black people from voting. An amendment was added to the original Voting Rights Act, extending this right to Asians and Latinos.
Isn’t it ironic that 30?years later many people have forgotten, never knew or just don’t care about their voting rights?
Voting was something worth fighting for in 1965, but now it seems to be a nuisance to many.
I used to have the attitude that my vote didn’t count, so why bother? Then the 2000 Presidential election between Democrat Vice President Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush happened and it came down to just a few votes.
The election was so close that there was a recount of ballots and ultimately, the United States Supreme Court had the final decision.
It’s possible my vote might have made a difference.
I made sure I voted in the last Presidential election. I wasn’t about to let the Supreme Court have another chance at deciding who would be president.
Voter apathy is dangerous, because it can give control to others, many of whom have their own personal agendas.
I am registered as an Independent, neither “red” nor “blue,” but I am interested in all of the candidates and the ballot issues.
California’s next election is Feb. 5, 2008. Not only will voters decide on a presidential candidate for their respective parties, but also on the Community College Initiative, Proposition 92.
Registered voters need to make sure to vote. If you aren’t a registered voter, get registered, then vote. I plan to vote. No excuses.

Ava Weintraub ()