Reward when merited

Jim is a professional. He works hard everyday to do the best job he can on any given project and his customers have reaped the rewards of his natural talent and the pains he takes for his work. Bob works alongside Jim; he’s unmotivated, not particularly talented and puts in minimal effort.

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Farm Market returning for the harvest

The Farm Market at Pierce College will be reopening April 1, providing fresh produce for Pierce and the local community every day. The Market, which has been closed since September, is stocked mostly with produce grown at Pierce; however, some items such as strawberries are imported from other local growers, according to Market manager Linda Carberry.

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Intercom to come in fall

The installation of an intercom system, enabling direct communication from classrooms to the sheriff’s office, should be complete by the beginning of the Fall 2008 semester. Nextel has created a one-of-a-kind prototype call box that teachers and students alike can use to directly speak to the sheriff in the case of an emergency.

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Super Tuesday, super sweet

People crowded around TV screens as record numbers of voters voiced their opinions. Results were slowly tallied and viewers were kept on edge. And it wasn’t even American Idol. Super Tuesday 2008 (Feb. 5) was the biggest day of voting in presidential primary history and the race on the Democratic side only got closer.

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