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ASO candidates announced

Marion Kimble

The spring elections for positions in the Associated Students Organization have been scheduled for April 14 and 15, with a debate forum scheduled for April 8.The official list of candidates was released early last week.There are four candidates for the position of president: Skyler Grant, Sallay Manah, Christian Marfil and Adam Wade.Patrick Mapile and Kat Souto are running for vice president.Adam Bakr and Jocelyn Chan are running for treasurer, and Obinna Ekwunife and Sadaf Nawabi for club council.The number of new faces running for office impressed Omar Hashim, the ASO’s exiting club council president.”It shows a lot of enthusiasm and ambition,” Hashim said. “I think we have a lot of qualified candidates running.”Many ASO members are excited about the number of candidates running, but some believe that experienced senators are better choices come election time.Adrian Garcia, outgoing ASO treasurer, has endorsed ASO veterans Chan and Nawabi, and has assumed the role of campaign manager for Manah.”Manah has been in the ASO for a year and a half,” said Garcia. “She is very dedicated; a lot of stuff wouldn’t get done without her.”Garcia continued, “If you have never been in the ASO, how would you know what it takes to be president?”The feeling is not as grim throughout. Tessa Moss, current ASO president, was optimistic about the outcome of the election.”I’m sure the best candidate will win,” said Moss.Moss does not endorse any candidate.The multitude of candidates is a sharp contrast to Moss’ uncontested election, and orchestrating the debates in the newly renovated Community and Student Union is a bonus that Moss is happy about.”I’m so excited about everything,” Moss said.The first ASO meeting in the new building will take place on April 8, along with the debate forum, scheduled for 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.


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