Aaron Sheldon / Roundup
A child was airlifted off the Pierce College soccer field around 7:15 p.m. after the arrival of a Los Angeles Fire Department helicopter.
While the age and condition of the child was unavailable, Officer Morales of the Pierce Sheriff’s Office said the incident was unrelated to Pierce.
More than five emergency vehicles including a police car and some fire engines arrived shortly after 7 p.m. to bring the child to the field where the helicopter was due to land.
The LAFD was unable to be reached for comment.
The field has been used in the past for helicopter landings. In February, a 3-year-old girl was airlifted and taken to Children’s Hospital after she had a seizure in her mother’s car.
“We’ve had helicopters land here numerous times,” Pierce President Robert Garber said after the incident in February. “We’re a safe place for [the LAFD] to land in an emergency.”

A Los Angeles Fire Department helicopter departs the Pierce College soccer field around 7 (Aaron Sheldon / Roundup)