Pejman Mokhtari
It was one in the afternoon on Nov. 3, 2008 and I was on my way to my car to drop off my book bag and get a quick touch up of gel since the sun turned on ym hair and gave me the afro style for the day.
I noticed a number of students together standing in front of a man holding a giant sign and, as humans, I followed my curiosity instinct and walked over to the area.
From my distance, I could only make out two words from the sign, which were “repent” and “hell.” I knew that this was a relgious protest and the homosexual lifestyle would be brought up as a sin again and again and again.
I heard shouting and insults at this man and usually I would defend a helpless gazelle being attacked by vicious lions, but this man, refusal to give a name due to security purposes, deserved everything that was coming to him from the sign he was holding. His sign was mentiong that any other religion but christianity is a sin, homosexuality is a sin, fornication, theives, mouthey women, girlie-men, and etc. were all sins.
This man was protesting nothing but hatred and I was shocked that security or any of the administrators were doing nothin to help.
President of Pierce, Robert Garber, was “”not supportive of this (but) supports the right to people using the freedom of speech area.”
There is limitations to every right we have and this man was crossing the line form spreading his message to spreading nothin but hate.
He even led La’Ise Galang, 47, a nursing major, to tears because she believes this religious activists is “close-minded to his own interpretation” and that “satan is using him.”
This hate should not be allowed on campus and I am ashamed to be a part of this school that they would let anyone like this man with a hurtful message stand on our grounds.
Galang also adds a message that I agree with and that is, “If people took time to read the bible, it’s all about love and tolerance.”
This ignorant activists brought nothing to our school but rage, tears and shock. the only thing he did was teach us that no matter how far we come in history, there is still hate and no tolerance for others.
This man was a bad apple ready to ruin the whole orchard.
Fortunately, he did not even get to the orchard and walked his rotten self to his vehicle raising our hopes that he will leave the sign so we have something to burn this afternoon.
Source List: La’Ise Galang818 885 0419

Pejman Mokhtari ()