Alejandra Cruz / Roundup
Mom, I’m pregnant.
Those were the most difficult words that high-school student Jandale Cisnero said to her mother at the age of 15. Now she is 17 years old with a 1-year-old baby boy, still trying to finish high school.
Teenage pregnancy has become a national problem in the United States. Some people blame parents during these situations and others blame the education system, while others blame adult content accessible by minors now, such as sites like watchmygf sex and many more that depicts unsafe sex most of the time, potentially leading some to think unsafe sex is a safe practice.
The best solution for this problem is abstinence. Abstinence will not give teens any side effects, will prevent teens from getting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and will not get teens pregnant.
I know this does not sound believable, but if we are having too many problems with teens getting pregnant, the best solution can be to learn how to say NO. Try to wait until we are responsible enough to make smart decisions.
We as women usually confuse physical intimacy with love, and teens are more vulnerable to this. When we are 15, everything symbolizes “true love.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). an estimated 750,000 girls get pregnant every year in the United States.
Even though we live in a country with opportunities and a good education system, most teen pregnancy cases occur because they do not know how to properly use a condom or other forms of birth control.
It is better not to have sex until we are mature enough to be responsible for another human being. Making a decision to wait will not hurt us. It will make us stronger.
I have decided to wait until I get married. It was not something my parents asked me to do. It was something I decided to do for my own benefit.
I know I do not have to worry if I do not have my period for a month. I also do not have to worry about AIDS or other STDs.
Parents can be a good influence but they do not know how to approach their kids on the subject. The government has created a Web site,, to educate parents on how to talk to their teens about sex.
Sex should not be practiced in an irresponsible manner with the sole objective of having fun. It should be about sharing our love for someone else. If we love someone, we should respect them and think carefully about how the repercussions of our acts will affect them.
As I always say, if you are not ready to be a parent, you are not ready to have sex.

Alejandra Cruz ()