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Student government officers announced

Oscar Ortega / Roundup

Results of last week‘s election show Shani Simms as the new Pierce College Associated Students Organization (ASO) president elect.

Simms collected 604 votes out of the 966 counted. She became the new ASO president for the term encompassing the 2009-10 academic year.

“I am excited. I am ready to get to work,” Simms said. “Actually, I am going to start to work with some of the things (on my agenda) before my term starts.”

Simms is no stranger to the ASO government. She is currently a senator and the chairwoman for the special events committee.

“She is really organized and has a lot of experience,” said ASO senator Jaslyn Pajounia.

Gabriel Figueroa was elected ASO vice president with 403 votes. He appeared to be in a state of euphoria.

“I am very, very happy that the students made the right choice,” he said.

When asked what she thought about Figueroa, Tina Posner, ASO senator and ex-candidate for vice president, said, “Our vice president elect is going to be great.”

Cindy Gerges was elected club counsel and Ivan Alvares was elected treasurer.

Fewer students participated in last week’s election than last year’s election — which had a total estimated to be over 1,100 votes — but they were still over from previous elections. The following are the final results for every candidate:

ASO President


* Shani Simms                 604 votes


* Jonathan Carlos            249 votes


Vice President


* Gabriel Figueroa           403 Votes


* Tina Posner                  326 votes


* Benjamin Nabong         121 votes


Club Counsel


* Cindy Gerges               559 votes


* Laarni Ramirez             264 votes


* Christopher Suard        55 votes




* Ivan Alvarez                 719 yes, 76 no



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