Gil Riego Jr. / Roundup
Around 1 p.m. today the Center for the Sciences dropped in the framework for the complexes’ key archetectual design, in the planetarium dome.
With 12 beams in total, the two main ones weighting about 3,000 pounds each and minor ones weighing between 1,500 and 2,000 pounds, the rough skeleton of the dome was placed.
“By then end it’ll look like a dome of steel,” said a general contractor who wished to withhold his name.
After that stage, the dome will be fleshed out by adding proper skins that will round out the dome giving it a smooth look.

A worker only identified as Hank, directs a crane as he secures the final piece of the planetarium dome on top of the Center for the Sciences the afternoon of May 1. (Gil Riego Jr. / Roundup)