Jalima Maldonado / Roundup
Open Mic “God Style” should be an event where all performers can give their own opinions and express their own feelings of how they feel about God.
Occurring on Sept. 30 at the Student Community Center, the Open Mic “God Style” is an event where students are allowed to perform: poetry, songs, raps, music, monologues, etc.
There were plenty of Pierce College students that were a little spectacle and thought the subject was narrow and close-minded.
The event shouldn’t be considered a narrow subject or push performers away because it should not be a religious subject.
Open Mic performers have the right to say how they feel about anything in general with out offending anyone.
Performers and audience should arrive with an open mind to new ideas and opinions.
We are all adults.
We should stop making God such a touchy subject.
We should come to understand that in a country like the United States, we should always be open to a different point of view and that everyone’s opinion about God is different.
Performers should not be limited to speak a certain point of view. On the contrary it should make performers step up and say how they feel of the subject in general.
This event should allow performers to express what truly feel and I do not think the performers should be there to praise the lord but to say how they feel about God.

Jalima Maldonado ()