Kevin Peyton/Roundup
With this year being the international year of astronomy, the Pierce College astronomy society met on Nov. 16, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Room 1728 of the Life Science building for the second of three meetings during the semester.
Guest speaker Dr. Gordon K. Squires presented a photo slideshow and lecture about the Spitzer space telescope to those in attendance.
Astronomy professor Carolyn Mallory, who hosts the once-a-month meetings and formed the Pierce College astronomy society six years ago, also presented a photo slideshow to the audience. Mallory’s presentation consisted of photographs of craters that were a result of asteroids that struck Earth long ago.
Mallory said there are 1,077 near-Earth asteroids, though she joked that none of them are on track to impact the Earth in the year 2012.
Mallory urged those in attendence to take a glance at the night skies for a meteor shower that is supposed to be visible Monday at approximately 10 p.m.
In addition to having once-a-month meetings, the Pierce College astronomy society also conducts other events open to the public.
Upcoming events include a Nov. 21 trip to the Griffith Planetarium and a telescope raffle, which is scheduled to take place Dec. 4.
Some of the previous events the Pierce College astronomy society has hosted this semester include a dark skies star party, Galilean nights and an event that took place at Mt. Wilson, which featured a 60-inch telescope.
“The astronomy club is open to absolutely everyone,” Mallory said.
The final meeting of the Pierce College astronomy society for the fall semester takes place Dec. 4 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Room 1728 of the Life Science building. Meetings will start up again for the Spring 2010 semester.