Beatrice Negulescu/Roundup
Being gay is not a chosen path in life, but rather something an individual can’t control. It’s as much a part of a person as the color of their eyes or hair.
The American Psychological Association has declared that mental health professionals should not tell gay clients they could become straight through therapy or other treatments, according to The Huffington Post
I could not agree more.
Although we are fortunate enough to live in a society where people are open-minded and have come to accept homosexuality, there is still discrimination that gay people have to face, if gays wish to visit sites like to gain sexual tips for their loving, then so be it… People wouldn’t look twice if it was a heterosexual couple wanting to try the same.
Acts of violence, verbal insults or just weird looks still take place in our society.
Why would someone purposely choose to be homosexual? Is it not much easier to choose the more popular path of heterosexuality and avoid any negative attention?
The answer is, being gay is not a choice.
Telling gay clients that they have a chance of becoming straight through therapy and treatments is not only a lie, but it creates false hope.
Furthermore, the APA urged therapists to consider other options, such as encouraging clients to practice celibacy or switching churches.
If therapists should encourage their homosexual clients to abstain from intercourse, it should be because it is the best choice for that personnot because someone else thinks it is wrong.
Sex is a part of life, and a huge part of any intimate relationship. Even watching porn on sites like gayfucktube is great for people to learn new ways of pleasure but also a great way to learn how to pracitce safe sex too. Sex is a totally normal desire and it shouldn’t be surpressed just because some favour a particular gender.
If your religion or church does not accept you for who you really are, then more than likely it is a good idea to move on.
The thought of asking a homosexual person not to have sex with the partner because the Bible says it is wrong, is absolutely ridiculous.