Lorrie Reyes / Roundup
Piece College will help celebrate Black History Month on campus with an all day event called “Revolutions and Evolutions: Body, Mind and Soul” that will take place at The Great Hall on Feb. 25.
Sociology Professor, James McKeever, will be speaking during the day about how black history affects more than just African Americans.
“Black History Month accompanies a lot of different things,” said McKeever. “It goes beyond just in history. There are several revolutions.”
Thus the theme for this year’s festivities is “Revolutions and Evolutions: Body, Mind and Soul.”
There will be multiple activities including a screening of a documentary and a performance by Philip Bell who will be performing a one-man show, according to PierceCollege.edu.
Students will also be performing for prizes with spoken word poetry.
One thing McKeever will touch upon in his speech is Haiti, as they have been in the news due to a devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake that took place in Jan., and the connections to the United States and to Haiti.
“It’s not just black history,” said McKeever. “It’s American history.”
The event will be hosted by the Pierce Diversity Committee.