Emily Kelley / Roundup
The Pierce College Diversity Committee will sponsor a Black History Month celebration on Feb. 25 in the Great Hall.
The celebration will start at 9:30 a.m. with films on the contributions of Black artists to music, followed by a speech at noon by sociology professor James McKeever entitled “From Haiti to Obama: How Black History is All Our History.”
Phil Bell, an actor and singer/songwriter, will give a live performance of “Tha’ Intimate Phil,” featuring original songs about survival and hope at 2 p.m.
Following the performance, students have the opportunity to participate in the “Revolutions and Evolutions: Body, Mind and Soul” poetry jam, starting at 3:30 p.m.
Student’s poems or talk must keep with the theme and last no longer than three minutes. Entry forms for the contest can be found on www.piercecollege.edu/offices/diversity. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
Along with the events, the Diversity Committee will be sponsoring a Haiti Earthquake Relief Fundraiser. There will be a donation box present at the event all day, and the money will go “Free the Children” nonprofit organization.
“Free the Children” receives 65 percent of its funding through fundraising events supported by youth under the age of 22, according to the Diversity Committee flyer on the event. The organization will be providing ongoing educational help for the survivors of the Jan.12 quake.
For more information on the event and the fundraiser, contact Silvia Silva of the Diversity Committee.
More information about “Free the Children” can be found at www.freethechildren.com.
