Elliot Golan
A fire alarm, which proved to be false, went off on the third floor of the new Student Services Building yesterday at 5 p.m., resulting in the building being evacuated.
The reason the alarm went off is unknown, according to Sheriff’s Deputy Al Guerrero.
“There are many reasons an alarm can go off,” said Guerrero. “We don’t know what the reason was on this one.”
When Sheriff’s responded, 90 percent of the students were already evacuated, according to Guerrero.
L.A. City Fire Department arrived on the scene shortly thereafter. They were not called, but notified automatically by the activating of the alarm.
No threat was found inside the building and it was rendered safe quickly, allowing all business to resume.

Sheriff’s Deputy Al Guerrero and Capt. David Rejino of Fire Station 72 in Woodland Hills, exit the Student Services Building along with other emergency personnel after deeming the building safe, following an alarm that went off yesterday at Pierce College. (Victor Stephen Kamont / Roundup)