George Ortiz / Roundup
An inspector trailer use for to facilitate the construction work located behind the North Gym will move out from it’s location. Another trailer, used by the GAINS/CalWorks program, was located next to the inspector trailer while the Student Services building was in construction has been move out already, with more still expected to be gone.
“The inspector trailer, we are hoping to move it out hopefully very soon, I’m not sure yet, but soon” said Pierce Associate Vice President of Administration Larry Craus.
Two trailers located by the south gym, use by construction workers expect to be soon as well.
“I’m hoping within three weeks I’ll have them all gone,” said Jim Greeley, Superintended for FTR Construction.
As for their new location, “When we are done I’m moving everything and cleaning completely everything, then it’s off to West LA College to start out new project,” Said Greeley.
For those who have been at Pierce for some-on years such as faculty and staff, some call Pierce “Trailer City” for all the trailers and temporary buildings that have been placed all over the campus.
“Ever since I got here trailers and temporary rooms have been here, so I see how it can be known as a trailer city,” said Frank Thomas, chuckling, employee of Pierce for over 20 years.
As more leave, the more the growth of Pierce evolves.
“The goal is to eliminate as many as possible, they are only supposed to be temporary,” said Pierce HVAC Supervisor Frank Vitone.
Taking one step at a time—actually one trailer at a time—Pierce is gradually moving to a more modern direction with more people taking notice of it.
“I remember when the Student Service building wasn’t even here, or parking lot eight, and I like all this new stuff, we are moving slowly but surely,” said Johnny Nelson,23-year-old film major.
Just do not expect the bungalows at the Village to be move anytime soon.
“Village bungalows expect to move, but I just don’t know yet exactly when, maybe in a couple of years,” said General Foreman for Pierce, Dominic Gasperi.

An old trailer to the east of the pool has its utilities disconnected and is prepared to be moved. Pierce College campus Woodland Hills Calif. March 3rd 2010 (Sayed A. Balkhi)