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Academic Senate Meeting on Enrollment

Diana Garcia / Roundup


The issue of Enrollment at the Academic Senate was brought up yesterday by Frank Chartrand, adjunct Instructor of History. It has been brought to his attention that Admissions and Records are continuing to send students to classes that are closed with no seats available. In a handout that was distributed at the Academic Center it stated that, “under the current system, if a department has chose to go with a no waiting list for classes, students may be added at any time by Admissions up until the class is full.”
According to Chartrand, he does not have an issue with the enrollment nor had any students walk in, to try to add his class. But if he were to ever encounter this situation, he would reject them. “I am having to turn you away”, said Chartrand. “Taking away your hopes”, Chartrand added.
Although Chartrand never has encounter this situation he has been approached by two faculty members who have, and they find issues with it. 
Students are allowed to sign up for classes on-line through a given period of dates, up until the Thursday before classes begin you may not register. Now this creates an issue for those students who wait at the last minute to add a class and decided to show up either to Admissions and Records or the desired classroom.
According to the hand out that had been supplied the Resolution is “A department could return to the waiting list, for as long as it remains available. This would place students on the waiting list only and would not add them to the class”. But, Admissions and Records are here to keep record of student measures.  Once again going back to the handout it states “the answer would be to disallow Admissions representatives from adding students on or after the first day of classes, unless the student has and add slip, even if the class is not yet full”.

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