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Walk for the cause

Nolan Blake

Pierce College students, professors, and administrators will participate in the Relay for Life event to help raise awareness and money for cancer on April 17 from 9 a.m. to 9 a.m. the next day at the Shepard Stadium.
At least four professors and faculty members will take part in this event.
Bob Lafrano, athletic director at Pierce is a first time participant.
He will be walking because for his family members who had cancer.
“There’s probably no one on campus that hasn’t had their life effected by cancer,” said Lafrano.
Dean of Academic Affairs Barbara Anderson will also be walking at the event.
Anderson’s mother is a cancer survivor.  For Anderson, it’s great to be aware and enjoy life.
“Yesterday’s history, tomorrow’s a mystery, but today is a gift,” Anderson said.
Crystal Kiekel, Bridge to Success Director, has a history of cancer in her family. She will take part in this event and encourages everyone to come out to cheer the staff supporting the fight for cancer.
The Relay for Life coordinator, Carol Kozeracki described this event as something for people to come together. Everyone who participates has likely had some cancer in his or her family history.
“Cancer never sleeps,” Kozeracki said. “It’s a very meaningful and special event.”
Last Year, they were expected to raise $25,000 for fighting cancer. But, they raised $38,000. This year, they hope to raise more than $38,000.
As an honored tradition, the first lap is always taken by the Cancer survivors to honor their survival and to acknowledge their pleasure and gratefulness that they’re still alive. They will also receive a free pink t-shirt to kick things off.
The event is broken up into teams. There were about 25 teams last year and there could be more this year. Professors will generally walk in shifts, usually about one to three hours, and someone last year walked for 21 hours.
There will also be games, food, music and other fun activities for the whole family to enjoy. The more people that walk, the more money raised to help those fighting cancer.
At 9 p.m. is the lighting of luminaria ceremony.  A luminaria is a bag with the name of a cancer survivor or person who died from cancer. The bags are placed around the track and glow throughout the darkness of the night in their memory and honor.
If you know anybody that has had cancer or you just want to help out and raise money for the America Cancer Society, contact Kozeracki at (818) 710-4108 or email
The Relay for Life schedule of the main events:

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