Elliot Golan / Roundup
Dear Texas:
We are finally on our way toward a more God-fearing and conservative America.
“Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.” —Proverbs 10:12
These words illustrate that not accepting multiple views is what the Bible prefers.
Even demands … if you live in Texas.
A vote in that state has proposed a change in the form of altering educational curriculum.
According to the Texas Board of Education, this country was founded on Christian doctrine. Thus, heathen Thomas Jefferson will be removed from a list of writers influential in the revolutions of the late 18th and 19th centuries.
And it’s about time.
Seriously, what influence has he had? The man only wrote the Declaration of Independence. Who has read that?
Obviously, nobody.
What does independence have to do with autonomy anyway?
No more Darwin.
No more acceptance of science.
We must regain control of our country from the clutches of the rationalists.
Common sense hasn’t solved anything that God can’t fix.
This is not just a small step toward a more balanced education.
Let the return of segregation commence. The ideologies of equal rights that have long been a thorn in the side of returning this country to classic “American family values” must be expunged.
If the country can muster the guts to join in Texas’ intelligent design, we would finally acknowledge differences among people.
Once this passes in May as expected, museums of the Lone Star state must be raided. Pass out the white shields covered in massive red crosses and go to war.
These modern thinkers must be dealt with accordingly.
It is not murder if it is enforcing God’s will, right?
Luckily for us, strong party lines made this decision. A 10-5 vote, with unanimous Republican approval and Democratic dissent was recorded on March 12.
Another change that Texas proposes is that the United States government no longer be referred to as “democratic.” Some Texans couldn’t stand for that any longer. From this point forward, they will use the term “constitutional republic.”
So stand up, don your armor and grab your torches and pitchforks. It is time rid this country of logic and consciousness once and for all.
Concerned Citizen of the World

( Dustin Johnson)