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Direction Magazine raises $432 at bake sale

Natasha Aliabadi / Roundup

Direction Magazine had its annual bake sale Monday on the Campus Mall in front of the Student Store in an effort to raise money for the magazine production.


This year is particularly special for the magazine as it is celebrating it’s 50th birthday.


Direction Magazine is a student-run publication. It features everything from art to poetry and short stories. 


According to Maria Bates, an English professor and the sole advisor for the magazine, English 60 writes the articles and her class, English 32, edits them.


Because of the lack of funds, Bates and her 23 students must raise money in order to pay for part of the publication of the magazine.


One of the many events they hold is their annual bake sale.  


“We’ll be here until there is nothing left to sell,” said Bates on Monday.


This year’s bake sale featured vegan pastries, donated by local bakeries, and traditional sweets some of which were baked by Bates and her students.


Last year the bake sale made a total of about $300. This year they made $432.


While there were nearly ten students working the bake sale on and off, Bates said her students volunteered to help but almost all of them contributed in other events or with new ideas to raise money for the magazine.


Elizabeth De La Cruz and Amy Mayer are two of Bates’ students who were dedicated to the bake sale.


“Students signed up in different shifts. I’ve been here since the morning,” said De La Cruz. 


Direction Magazine is published once a year and is sold in the Student Store for $5.


“We price it so students can afford it, but in actuality it’d be a lot more,” said Bates.


In addition, this is the second year the magazine will feature a DVD, which will come with attached with the magazine.  


The 2010 edition of the magazine and DVD will be out in the fall semester.


Anyone who is a registered Pierce College student can submit articles to the literary magazine.


“People who are not traditionally represented, we would like to have submit,” said Bates.


An editor’s choice award of $400 is given to each student who wins for best piece in four different categories.


More information on submitting articles can be found at or questions Professor Maria Bates can be contacted at




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