Jessica Conway / Roundup
The hiring of at least 19 new professors for Fall 2010 was discussed at the Academic Senate meeting on Monday.
The schools with fewer professors are required to hire a certain number of professors according to an average amount staff at community colleges.
This year’s range of new hires can expand depending on the number of retirees before this month is over. All other teachers who retire after this month will be replaced by Fall 2011.
“We can afford these new hired because it’s either we hire the new staff at $35,000 a year per position or we get fined $65,000 by The Chancellors Office of Community Colleges for every position not filled,” President of the academic senate, Tom Rosdahl said.
The school has followed these circumstances and was not fined last year for refusal of hiring, according to Vice President of Academic Affairs, Nabil Abu-Ghazaleh.
Having so many people hired in such a short period of time can be risky. “We don’t want to stuff employees into our school so quickly when they will be our schools future,” said anthropology professor, Dr. Noble Eisenlauer.
The hiring process starts with positions being advertised, resumes are then reviewed and prioritized the top 15 applicants are then interviewed. The top 3 who qualify most for the position are then interviewed by the president and Vice President of Academic Affairs and are potentially hired.
The process of hiring the new faculty is to ensure our campus has a bright future.
On the other hand, unexploited student transfer requirements were discussed and will be mandatory to inform students planning to transfer.
The requirements include 60 completed transfer units, full CSU or IGETC completion, and 18 units of lower division major depending on the school to which the student applied.
This requirement was ruled unfair by the academic senate members. “There is no psychology major that requires 18 units that is misleading our students,” said Atondo.
Talking to a counselor is recommended until it is exploited to students which schools require 18 units of a lower division major.