Brit Sharon/Roundup
Living with AIDS for 28 years, Steve Bolan, 66, has dedicated the last seven to educating students about HIV, as well as, AIDS prevention and detection.
As a member of the organization “Being Alive”, Bolan comes to Pierce College two times a year when Pierce offers a week of free and confidential HIV testing.
Bolan discovered he was HIV positive when he was 40-years-old at a routine physical. It quickly turned to full AIDS.
“I moved to Los Angeles, I partied to hard, I got AIDS, and now I’m here,” said Bolan.
Bolan encourages everyone to get tested.
“Get tested, if its negative go back in 6 months and get tested again,” said Bolan. “If it comes back negative, your fine.”
Pierce will have free oral AIDS testing center van located in Parking Lot 1 on April 26 from 2 p.m. to 7p.m., 27 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 29 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
21% of people with AIDS do not know they have AIDS.
“Everybody needs to wear a condom when having sex with someone they don’t know has had a AIDS test,” said Bolan.
Once Bolan contracted AIDS. his life dramatically changed.
“I didn’t have sex for years,” said Bolan. Then I used to date people who were also positive. Now my partner and I still practice safe sex.”
If diagnosed with HIV or AIDS, it is important to start treatment immediately, according to the medical senate of the Worlds Aids Conference.
“Being Alive” is a peer-driven agency for people living with HIV/AIDS specializing in supportive services, education, wellness and self-empowerment.
To learn more about Being Alive visit

Steve Bolan addresses Pierce College media arts students today on the upcoming HIV/AIDS Awareness Week. Bolan is a member of “Being Alive,” a coalition that offers services from education to support. (Elliot Golan / Roundup)