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Football lifting towards higher goals

It’s off season for the Pierce College Football team, yet the Fitness Center is not void of the earsplitting echoes produced by colliding weight’s and the strained grunts from exerting athletes.

The newly renovated Fitness Center in the South Gym is reserved Monday thru Friday from 2 to 4 for more than 100 past, present and possible future Brahmas football players.
“They’ve been training since the first week of the semester,” said Fitness Coordinator Matt Hank.
According to Hank, they train harder during the off season, which is about getting them ready for the season.
“There are a lot of guys here that are really gifted but maybe need that extra motivation,” said Hank. “That’s what they’re learning here.”
One guy who seems to have the motivation down pack is David Hill, the Brahma’s Full-Back and captain ever since he enrolled in pierce two years ago. 
He was recruited by the University of Arizona with a scholarship, and will be graduating in June with a double major in Criminal Justice and Social Behavior Science but is still training in the spring.
“I’m goal oriented, I just work hard,” said Hill.
“I took 23 units last semester and earned 3.3 GPA, while working at the student info desk. I also got the Bob Lyson award for hard work, loyalty and commitment to the team.”
His half brother Marcus Bennette, had a different view.
He red shirted in the Fall and is trying out for Corner next season. 
” [the work outs are] so intense that is makes you want to quit sometimes. But you can’t because it’s only benefiting you,” said Bennette.
“In the beginning of the semester I weighed 170 pounds and now I weigh 188.”
The work outs consist of one hour of weight training on the new equipment in the gym and another of conditioning, speed and agility training usually conducted on the field.
“The goal is not to gain weight but to gain muscle mass and ability,” said Hank.
For instance, “there are a lot of core exercises that are for preventing injuries such as one legged exercises, which work on balance.”
Freshman Omar Chin, doesn’t seem to mind it. He’ll be trying out for Slot Receiver in the Fall and can be found in the gym even on Friday’s, which is their optional or make-up day.
“I go to school just to play. Football motivates me to do well, because I know if I slack off in school, I can’t play,” said Chin.
Off season training will continue through the end of the semester, until the summer when they get back into pads.

To find out more about theBrahamas football team visit

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